by - August 14, 2018

Fara Lip Butter in Caramel Mint with these three free gift.

One of my wishlist achieved, hehe thank you husband. I dah lama sangat tengok lipstik fara ni kat instagram dia. Macam best je, sebab setiap kali farahanim update lipstik ni, warna dia cantik sangat. 

This is the lip butter, the purple one is Orchid Vanilla, meanwhile the pink one tu caramel mint. Yang Orchid Vanilla tu bila kita pakai, lips kita akan bertukar warna merah and a bit glossy. Tapi, bergantung on your warna darah okey. Warna pink tu pula, if pakai dia akan tukar lips shade kita warna pink or natural look. Paling best, ada rasa - rasa macam mintyyy. Berangin je bibir. Sedap oke macam nak makan. haha..

Price RM55.00
Tapi I rasa affordable sebab dia tahan lama.. Once yang pink tu dah habis, I akan repurchase, but maybe colour purple tu pula. wahh.. terbang duit husband I.

dislaimer: This is not paid review. This is my own review based on my own experience.

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